Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Psalm 68:3 “But let the righteous be joyful; let them exult before God; let them be jubilant with joy.”

I have a song in my heart this morning, what a blessing!  When I read this verse my first thought was this:  Who is righteous?  None of us can claim that except through the redemption of Jesus’ blood.  It is because of his sacrifice and his grace poured out for all that we can claim him and become righteous again.  When we have embraced God’s love and mercy, accepted his grace and healing, we are redeemed.  This process is not a one and done though.  We are human and our selfish desires draw us away from him again and again.  We need to come to him in humble repentance and through his love and forgiveness we can stand and begin anew.  I get so tired of the battle between God’s will and my human will.  It will be an ongoing struggle for as long as I live on this earth.  Yet, I take heart and hope in the knowledge that God is faithful.  Every time I come to him asking forgiveness, He forgives.  He gives me strength.  He is my shepherd and my king.  He is my redeemer and my deepest love.  His love for me gives me the right to stand before His throne in righteousness.  His eyes see me as a shining star in His kingdom.  He does not see the things of the past; they are as far as the east is from the west. 

I lift my voice and my heart in song of praise to you this morning.  You give so much and often, we do not see.  Open our eyes to see the blessings and gifts of love you bestow on us each day when we are filled with joy and even in the midst of hardship.   I love you and I pray that this day will be one filled with honoring your holy name.  Amen.

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