Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Matthew 4:13-14 “Jesus said to her, ‘Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty.  The water that I will give will become in them a spring of water gushing up to eternal life.’”

Water is a most precious resource.
Here in Colorado we are limited to the amount of water we can use for our yards.  Water is rationed so we don’t run out.  I imagine the desert near Samaria was not plentiful in water either but they didn't try to grow gardens of grass where it wasn't meant to grow...
They have known for centuries how to work with the water they have.
Water runs deep in the desert and wells must be dug.  This well was deep and Jesus had no bucket with which to draw water.  The Samaritan woman asked where Jesus would get the water he was talking about, this living water.  She wanted some so she wouldn't have to come back to the well so often!
He told her about living water and John records the story so we can hear about living water too.  We will continue to have water restrictions for our lawn and try not to take too long of a shower but our souls can be quenched, soaking and splashing in the living water of Jesus.  I love the picture in my mind of a spring gushing up and all of us splashing, drinking, laughing and thoroughly enjoying the life we receive from this blessed water; this living water.
As we hydrate our bodies today, let us remember the living water we have been given for eternal life and rejoice in the Lord, our God!


Thank you for everlasting water, your spring of living water given to our souls.  Remind us to tap into it when we are feeling a little dry.  Thank you for the story in John that tells us that this living water is for all people who will receive it.  Fill our cups and our hearts with your life giving love and help us lead others to this blessing as well.  Amen.

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