Saturday, April 12, 2014

Titus 2:1 “But as for you, teach what is consistent with sound doctrine.”

When I read this I had to stop right here and pray.  I have two messages this week about sound doctrine?  What am I missing?
What do I believe?  Is it based on sound doctrine or have I been led astray by the whispering lies of the world?  It is good to check our hearts occasionally with the help of the Spirit to make sure we are still on solid ground.
If you have ever hiked in the Rocky Mountains you know there are rocks in the paths that you cannot avoid.  Parts of the path are smooth dirt with a few pebbles but invariably the path includes boulders that must be climbed over, stepped on or gone around.
When I am stepping on these sections of boulders I am careful to check the solidity of the rock I am getting ready to put my weight on before I step onto it fully.  I do not want to be standing on a loose or unstable rock; falling is no fun.
As I study God’s word and strive to follow him more closely the journey is the same.  I need to check what I am learning and taking in.  I need to be careful that what I believe is solid and not unstable.  I do not want to stand on loose or unstable doctrine.
Here is what I believe: God loves us all.  He sent Jesus Christ to teach us and redeem us so we might live eternally with God.  Christ and his teachings are what I believe.  “On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; all other ground is sinking sand...”

Thank you for the call to search my beliefs anew.  Protect me, my family, all of us from false teachings.  Keep our feet on the solid rock of Jesus Christ so we are sure to be on a path of truth; a path of eternal love and life.  Amen.

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