Monday, April 28, 2014

I needed this message badly today.  I know many of my friends likely needed this message today as well.
As we draw closer to the end of a school year, students and teachers are worn and tired.  We are all ready for a time of rest and play, not so much work.  My church is preparing to present the budget to the congregation next week and rumor has it that there is much to be heard.  Our nations still battle each other and there are still battles within the nations.  When do we get rest?
Some mornings it is a struggle to get out of bed and begin my time of devotion but when I struggle, I begin my prayer time in bed and because the Lord is good, he finds a way to get me up and going.  When teaching and learning are beating us down at our home school, prayer and drawing strength from the Lord helps us push through to the end of each day.
Whatever we are being called to do, we cannot do it by ourselves.  We grow weary; tired and worn out.  It is only through God and his Spirit that we can remain strong in doing what is right.  Hear Paul’s words to the Galatians and draw strength from the Spirit today.

We can look through history and see your hand in all things.  There have been might struggles but when your people did not give up, righteousness prevailed.  Fill us with your love and light so we do not give up but are renewed and strengthened to continue doing what is right.  Amen.

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