Sunday, August 18, 2013

Psalm 92:1-2 “It is good to give thanks to the Lord, to sing praises to your name, O Most High; to declare your steadfast love in the morning, and your faithfulness by night,”

Another gentle sunrise peeks over the horizon.  The crickets still chirp and the birds join in the song.  I feel a cool breeze coming from the open window and the refreshing air sooths me.  I woke with a song of praise in my heart and it continued to undergird my time with the Lord.  Even as I asked for cleansing and forgiveness of my sins, the praises were being lifted from a deeper part of my soul.  When we simmer soup the top layer needs straining and skimming to take off the undesired fat and scum, to clarify and purify the taste of the good broth below.  This is one way I picture quiet time with the Lord.  The scum and fat from the day before have piled up on us.  We come to the Lord to ask his forgiveness.  He skims the layers on the top, clearing away the scum and sin so we are clarified and purified.  In that process we have become new again.  He delights in us once more.  It is going to be a hot day today but as I lift my voice in praise and thanksgiving I will remember the soup pot and the skimming process and delight in his steadfast love.

Thank you for your love and forgiveness.  Thank you for cleansing and purifying so the good stuff can be tasted and experienced untainted.  Hear the songs of praise my soul lifts to you, open my ears to hear it too.  Amen.

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