Thursday, August 29, 2013

Isaiah 54:10 “For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant of peace shall not be removed, says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”

I read these promises from the Lord and they bring a wave of light and love that cannot be expressed in words.  The promises are always there but sometimes I read them and they do not leap off of the page.  Today they did.  Israel and I continue to vex the Lord throughout our days and sometimes He gets angry.  Even in his righteous anger, his steadfast love and mercy flow and he turns to us in love.  This passage in Isaiah is filled with love and compassion from the Lord to his people.  I cannot help but sing praises as I receive his grace pouring over me like a gentle warm rain, washing away the dirt of yesterday, today and tomorrow.  This awesome Creator of the Universe and beyond, this God of all things is our shepherd; our Father.  He is our Redeemer and our friend; our comforter and our guide.  He provides everything we need and everything our hearts truly desire; He is God of peace and compassion, God of healing and everlasting love.  Hallelujah and hallelujah again!


I call on your name this morning to bring healing and peace to those who suffer.  I praise you for the healing you have already sent and the protection we never even see.  Guide us through this day in hope and praise for you.  Amen.

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