Monday, August 5, 2013

Colossians 3:15 “And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in the one body.  And be thankful.”

I woke with the song “O Holy Night” resonating in my heart and mind.  I do not remember the dream that preceded this song but the song continues on a repeating loop as I write.  It is strange to think of Christmas in August but the gift of Jesus at Christmas is something worth remembering all year long.  The peace of Christ that Paul writes to the Colossians about in this letter came on that Christmas night long ago.  It has never left.  Throughout his life he lived in peace and taught others the same.  Even in the garden when he was being arrested, he called off his disciples when they fought back; he knew his peace would reign forever.  We look at our world today and there is much strife, war never ceases.  In the midst of strife and war, if we look closely, we see peace intertwined.  In this battle of spirits there may be moments of to anger and hatred, but peace and love sweep in and turn the battle back.  Call on His name; let His peace fill you once again.  When we claim Jesus, his peace fills our hearts and souls.  Of this, we are thankful indeed.

World peace seems like a pipe dream but someday it will become a reality.  In the meantime, I ask you to fill my heart, fill the hearts of all who will receive, with your peace.  Let your peace rule our days.  Thank you for your everlasting grace and love.  Thank you for your peace.  Amen.

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