Monday, August 11, 2014

My mom taught me an old saying that goes something like “they cut off their nose to spite their face.”  Who, in their right mind, would do that?  They are only hurting themselves!
Yesterday our church said goodbye to our musician and began the process of saying goodbye to our pastor.  It is very apparent that our church is due for a shakeup of some magnitude.  We currently have no paid staff!  Where do we go from here, how do we begin again?  Do we keep on keeping on?
The leadership of the church has spent time in prayer; our deacons and our elders.  A few of the older generation reminded us all to pray to the Lord during this time of change.  I remind us to listen, to be still in his presence so we are able to hear his word for us.
Each of us would do well to learn this on a personal level as well.  I slide into auto-pilot mode pretty easily but the Lord seeks true relationship with us, not rote babble.
Seek him, listen and learn.  He will revive, restore and save each of us.  We will rejoice forever in his holy name!


I lift up my church; I lift up the hearts of your people, and this broken world.  Tune our hearts, minds, and souls clearly and solely to you.  In that revival, we rejoice in your love and your salvation.  Thank you and hallelujah!  Amen.

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