Monday, July 28, 2014

Do I really forget what lies behind and strain forward to what lies ahead?
The sermon in church yesterday was only one of many messages of conviction I have received from the Lord recently.  I have a nagging feeling that I am stagnant in my spiritual journey. The Lord is pushing me, pulling me, calling me to move forward and I am doing my best to delay this.
As I pack clothes, telescopes, food and everything else minus the kitchen sink today, I am aware of the camping journey as well as my spiritual journey.  We will drive all day tomorrow to get to our first stopping point.  After two nights there, we move on to our next destination.  We spend two nights there and move to another stop and then after a night there we return home.
Just because we stop someplace and visit, that does not make that place our final destination.  We must keep moving to reach the next place and the next until we are finally home.
I hear the Lord.  I step forth in trepidation and knowing I can trust him.  I press on toward the goal with his promise of love in my heart.


You know my fear; please brush it away so I am able to move as you call me to.  Open my ears and eyes to know the path you have for me and encourage me to press on as Paul’s words tell me to.  I do not know what you have planned for me but I trust you and know it is only good.  Thank you for your love.  Amen.

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