Monday, April 8, 2013

Psalm 119:76-77 “Let your steadfast love become my comfort according to your promise to your servant.  Let your mercy come to me, that I may live; for your law is my delight.”

As I was sitting in my prayer time today I was compelled to lift the people and situations in my prayers journal in love.  When I pray I ask God to be with them, to heal them, to guide them... whatever they have asked for in their requests.  It is the pure love of God poured out onto and into us that brings us what we need.  His Divine Love brings comfort, healing and guidance.  His steadfast love holds us steady when we falter and brings mercy to us when we fail.    He is always there with us, never leaving our side.  He is truly and honestly steadfast in His love for us.  I delight in his law because his law is Love.  Love Him, love each other.  Today I lift my prayers to the Lord in love.  I surround those people and situations in Love and I go into this day filled with the steadfast love of the Lord.  There are many struggles all around but if I can feel the love of God with me and pray for the love of God to fill those struggles, I will be able to continue in delight of the Lord and His law.  Love to you all.

Let love songs fill my heart today and as I sing away, let each of them draw me to you and your Divine Love.  Fill my heart and my home so that it overflows into my neighborhood and my world, bringing your love and mercy to all.  I pray all this in your holy name and to your glory.  Amen.

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