Saturday, March 2, 2013

Philippians 3:1 “Finally, by brothers and sisters, rejoice in the Lord.  To write the same things for you is not troublesome to me, and for you it is a safeguard.”

Most of us require hearing something more than once to remember and instill it into our brains.  I have heard it said (a few times) that people need to hear things or read things an average of four times to lock it into their memory banks.   The bible is written to help us remember the important things.  There are things that are mentioned countless times like pray, rejoice, worship.  Here Paul is reminding the Philippians to rejoice in the Lord but I really like the way the sentence is written too.  Finally... after everything is said and done, rejoice in the Lord.  Finally, no matter what else has happened rejoice in the Lord.  The call to rejoice is written so many times in the bible and Paul is one that reminds us of it several times in his letters.  God knows how important this is so He reminds us often to do it.  When I came to this verse this morning I realized if I needed to hear it again it was likely some of you did too.  Let me remind us all to rejoice in the Lord.  In all things rejoice in the Lord.  Sing songs of praise and play music, lift your hearts and voices in shouts of praise to the Lord!

As the sun peeks over the horizon my soul sings a song of praise to you.  You create every breath in my lungs, the stars and the moon, the birds that sing morning songs and you create the joy in my heart that causes me to sing.  Help me make this day a day of rejoicing, for this is a day you have made and we are called to rejoice!  Amen.

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