Friday, March 15, 2013

Genesis 28:16 “Then Jacob woke from his sleep and said, ‘Surely the Lord is in this place – and I did not know it!’”

Jacob had just run away from his brother after stealing his birth right from him and he lay down with a rock as a pillow.  After dreaming about a ladder leading from earth to heaven with angels going up and down it and hearing the voice of God he wakes up and this is his response.  I have not ever dreamed of a ladder from heaven but on occasion I do have dreams that make me want to proclaim that the Lord was in this place!  I wake up with a song or a scripture in my heart that is unexplainable other than the Lord putting it there to speak to me. I love to wake up feeling the presence of the Lord is with me right then or knowing He was with me while I slept.  The thing I so easily seem to forget is that He is always with me.  He is always in this place and I so often sleep right through it.  How often do I go through my days thinking I am awake but in reality I am asleep to the presence of God?  Our God is ever present; He knows no bounds and is where ever we are.  Whether we are using a rock as a pillow in the wilderness or snuggled up tight in our warm covers, He is there.  Whether we work in an office building or in our homes, He is there.  Hallelujah!

You promise to be with us where ever we go and this passage in Genesis is only one of many reminding us of that.  Do not let us sleep any longer, wake us up so we are fully aware of you in our midst and let us sing praise to you for your faithfulness and unending love.  Thank you for the comfort of your presence.  Amen. 

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