Thursday, February 14, 2013

Psalm 23:4 “Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff – they comfort me.”

We move into a time of reflection and preparation again as the remembrance of Jesus death draws near.  Thousands of years ago He walked the earth and was teaching, healing and showing us how to abide in God.  Only He could foresee what was to come and he willingly continued on the path given to him.  Over the last few years I have chosen to sacrifice something during the season of Lent.  I choose something that distracts me from abiding in God or something that holds that potential.  I choose something that I desire or a frivolity that I often take for granted.  As those desires or distractions peek into my days, I take that moment to lift a prayer to the Lord, asking him to search the darkness in my heart and cleanse me of whatever sin I may have within me.  There is no darker valley that the darkness that lurks in sin.  Through the sacrifice Jesus gave so long ago, I am able to call on the Lord to walk with me through the darkness.  My tiny 40-day sacrifice is simply a token; a reminder to me of the sacrifice that He gave for me, for us all.

As we remember the journey to the cross and the reason you went there, guide our hearts in a journey of cleansing and healing so when that triumphant day of Easter is here, we can truly be filled with joy.  Help us prepare so we can sing Hallelujah with every ounce of our being.  Amen.

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