Monday, February 18, 2013

Deuteronomy 83 “He humbled you by letting you hunger, them by feeding you with manna, with which neither you nor your ancestors were acquainted, in order to may you understand that one does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord.”

A few years ago you would not see gluten-free anything on the shelves at the store and now it is everywhere.  I know people who are gluten intolerant, people who are allergic to wheat and people who choose not to eat wheat for other reasons.   They still find food to eat.  Yesterday’s scripture was in Luke regarding the temptation of Christ.  He was led into the desert, fasted for forty days and was tempted by Satan.  Jesus quoted this verse in response to Satan’s call for Jesus to turn stone into bread.  As you eat your meals, (whether or not you eat bread) I encourage you to take time to remember this fast of the Lord.  Just as we nourish our bodies with food that He provides, we must nourish our souls with the words of His mouth.  Celebrate and give praise; the word of the Lord will truly feed us for eternity!

Thank you for your word and thank you for your Spirit that guides us in it.  You provide our nourishment; help us to gather what we need just as the Israelites gathered manna in the desert.  Then, as we partake, help us give thanks and praise to you, our provider!  Amen.

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