Friday, August 31, 2012

Mark 1:35 “In the morning, while it was still very dark, he got up and went out to a deserted place, and there he prayed.”

The days are getting shorter and the sun no longer lights up the sky during my quiet time.  The night time and pre-dawn feel different, quieter than when the sun peeks over the horizon.  In the quiet before dawn, there is a stillness that is hard to find any other time.  During these moments of prayer in the dark, I have found it easier to imagine just me and God being together with no one else.  My prayer time can take on a different level when there are not the interruptions of the busy day in the middle of it.  Of course it is very wonderful to know I can pray any time of day and He will hear me.  Let me tell you, I pray during the day, some days more than others!  When I saw this verse today, it reminded me how important time alone in prayer is.  Jesus came to earth to show us how to live and many times during his ministry, according to scripture, he took time away and alone to pray.  In my experience, it is not always easy.  There are days it is tempting to stay in bed and sleep a little longer, but I know when I sit in the stillness of the morning and in the presence of the Lord, I will receive the blessings I long for.  It gives me a start to the day that cannot be replaced with anything else.  Take a moment today; find a quiet place to sit in prayer and let the presence of the Lord bless you.

Thank you for the encouragement to take time out of our days for you.  Jesus shows us how important that renewing time is for each of us.  Help us follow his lead in prayer, in teachings and in service to you.  Amen.

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