Isaiah 66:2 “All these things my hand has made, and so all these things are mine, says the Lord. But this is the one to whom I will look to the humble and contrite in spirit, who trembles at my word.”
Words are powerful, no doubt about it.
We can build up with our words and we can tear down with our words. We can bring comfort and we can bring pain with our words. The old adage “sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me” is so false.
From the beginning God’s word spoken from his mouth made things happen. He speaks and it is so. With his spoken word He created the heavens and the earth and all that is in it. When I try to wrap my mind around that, it brings me to place of trembling.
This God, powerful beyond my imagination, Creator of all things seeks to be in relationship with us. When we come to him in worship and prayer, He is already waiting for us. He listens for the quiet turning of our attention to Him.
As I sit and listen to cars warming up in the cold and window and driveways being scraped free from snow and ice, I think of the word of the Lord. He brings the moisture in the snow and He brings the sun to warm and melt away the cold. The stars are hung in the sky because He put them there and they stay because He causes them to stay. His power and strength are more than I can fathom. I study His word to learn more and love more. Today I am humbled by His glorious word and His glorious world.
I need you every hour, every moment of every day. Even when my mind races on to some other distraction my soul searched and reached for you. You created me, I am yours. Thank you for being such and incredible and loving Father. Thank you for breaching the gap so that we are all able to come in humble and contrite spirits knowing you wait in love and mercy through your gift of Jesus Christ. My heart trembles in your presence today. Amen.