Friday, June 28, 2013

Psalm 42:1 “As a deer longs for flowing streams, so my soul longs for you, O God.”

Tomorrow the kids and my husband head to the western slope of Colorado and I get four days of alone time.  With all the busy days I have had lately and the busy days yet to come I cannot express the longing I have held in my heart for these four days of solitude.  As I read this verse a picture forms in my mind.  A deer must always be watchful and wary of danger.  They are ready to run at the slightest hint of trouble in order to stay safe.  It is a calm, relaxed moment when they can take time for a long drink in a flowing stream.  Lately it has been even harder to be still and listen for the voice of God.  I am not distressed over this because I know God speaks in many different ways and will get through to me somehow.  However, like the deer in this verse, I long for a quiet peaceful time of sitting in the presence of the Lord.  I long for distraction and chaos to stop pulling at me so I can relax and enjoy the calm sweet presence of peace in the Lord.  I can almost taste it now...

Thank you for being here even in the busy times; even in the chaos and distractions.  Help me make time to sit and relax in your presence, help me relish the solitude when I have it.  I ask you for refreshment for my soul, peace for my spirit.  Amen.

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