Sunday, January 13, 2013

Psalm 139:7-8 “Where can I go from your spirit?  Or where can I flee from your presence?  If I ascend to heaven, you are there; if I make my bed in Sheol, you are there.”

I hate to admit it but there is a part of me that wants to run away sometimes.  I have run away in different ways many times in life and only by the grace of God have I come to him on my wandering path.  As I meditated on this passage a couple of sayings came to mind: “you can run but you cannot hide” and “when the going gets tough, the tough get going”.  I am guessing that second one didn’t really mean running away, what do you think?  When I was just a child, I ran away from home.  I took my bike and with the help of my best friend I ran away to her house.  I was astonished and discouraged when we got there because as soon as we arrived, my bike and I were promptly placed in a car and driven back home.  That child, the one that wants to run from difficulty, still lurks in me.  I thank the Lord that I hear his voice louder than the little one telling me to escape.  I know wherever I am and whatever I do; the spirit of God is there.  He is always with me, He lives in my heart.  Whatever you are going through, whatever you are doing, take heart, God is with you.

We either honor you or dishonor you with our thoughts and actions.  Please forgive any dishonor I have brought on your name and guide my thoughts, desires and actions so that if I run, it is only into your Holy arms of Love.  Amen.

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