Friday, January 4, 2013

John 15:8 “My Father is glorified by this, that you bear much fruit and become my disciples.”

In this passage of John, Jesus talks about the vine and the branches.  He is the true vine and we are his branches.  God the Father prunes branches so they bear more fruit and he cuts off branches that are not bearing any fruit.  I remember seeing a tree that had been planted or grown very close to barbed wire fence.  As the tree grew, the fence and its barbs were enveloped into the very meat of the tree.  The branch simply swallowed up the part of the fence that was in its way.  That can’t be healthy for the branch or the tree.  If I am that branch, and I easily could be, I need God to remove the barbs that I have swallowed up so that I can grow without hindrances or disease.  As He painstakingly and lovingly removes the disease and damage from me, I know he will bring healing to me so that I can bear more fruit for His kingdom.  I will follow Him to the ends of the earth and beyond.  His word speaks to my heart and His Spirit guides my path.  I am a disciple of the Lord and I strive to be a healthy and strong branch on His vine.

I am precious to you, we all are.  As we step into a new day, give us the strength to be your disciples.  Use your word and your Spirit to guide each of us and I ask you to bring healing and wholeness to me and all of your children, my brothers and sisters in Christ.  I ask all this for your glory and praise.  Amen.

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