Monday, January 14, 2013

Isaiah 35:5-6 “Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf unstopped;  then the lame shall leap like a deer, and the tongue of the speechless sing for joy...”

When I look over my prayer list at a glance, it is filled with requests for healing of some sort.  I have several friends suffering diseases of some kind.  There are petitions for guidance and relief of worry.  Laced in among the requests I see joys.  A rejoicing for healing given and praise for reconciliation lay entwined between the petitions.   A few days ago we remembered my Mom’s passing away four years ago.  Last night I was informed that a dear friend’s Mom just passed away and I know one of the people I pray for daily is waiting for the call that their sister has passed on as well.  In the midst of sorrow and grief, it is hard to see the blessing of God.  As I look back at the time of my Mom’s illness and since then, there has been an abundance of grace and healing given to my family by God.  I look to the day of redemption for all with hope and rejoicing; these verses speak to that day.  There will be a day when we all join together and in wholeness and Love, sing for joy to the Lord, our God.  I will sing in hope on this day.

You are God of healing and grace; You are God of love and light.  Please open our eyes and unstop our ears, heal our brokenness so we can see, hear and leap for you.  Lift our hearts and voices in songs of hope and praise to you, the God of all.  Amen.

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