Sunday, November 4, 2012

Mark 6:38 “And he said to them, ‘How many loaves have you?  Go and see.’  When they had found out, they said, ‘Five, and two fish.’”

Potluck meals are great.  You get to try new foods and there are always the standbys that you can count on.  Everyone comes and there is great company to go along with a great meal.  Have you ever been to a potluck where there was not enough food?  I know I have been to many where there was worry about having enough food but it never seems to run short.  I wonder about this story sometimes.  How can 5 loaves of bread and two fish feed 5 thousand people?  I imagine the disciples were thinking the very same thing.  There will never be enough!  I don’t know how it worked, I wasn’t there but I would guess the disciples may not know either and they were there.  What I learn from this story is that we are asked to give what little we have and then trust the Lord to use it as he will.  One gift of food from one little person seems useless.  Yet, that gift compounded by the love of the Lord fed thousands of people.  What can we give that the Lord can compound?  Let go and allow God to work with your gifts to magnify his kingdom.

Thank you for this story.  Thank you for the reminder that I am not called to feed five thousand, I am asked to give what I have for you to feed the five thousand.  Please take my meager offering and use it to further your kingdom in ways beyond my imagination.  All glory and honor to you.  Amen.

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