Thursday, November 28, 2013

Psalm 100:1 “Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth.”

Happy Thanksgiving to all!  On this day of thanks let us all make a joyful noise unto the Lord.  Today families and friends gather to visit, watch football and eat food.  My family gets together for a wonderful time each year.  The house is full of people, the kitchen especially.  There is chatter as we prepare the meal and the kids (big and small) are playing outside or in the other room.  When the meal is ready, we all gather together and after giving thanks, we eat!  All that prep work gone in a matter of minutes!  Dishes clang as we wash and coffee pots gurgle as they brew fresh coffee for drinking with pie.  I cannot imagine a much more joyful noise that this.  The fellowship of family and friends feeds the soul.  We gather on a special day of thanksgiving but it would be good to let this feeling flow into the next day and the next.  I think of those people who are estranged or separated from family and friends and I think of those who struggle to find anything to be thankful for on this day.  I pray they will see that they are not alone but that the Lord of all joins them on this day and every day.  I find they will find it in their hearts to be thankful to Him too.

Blessings of love abound and I thank you.  Let our homes be filled with joyful noises of thanksgiving to you on this day.  Bring comfort and peace, love and joy to those who have none and let us share ours with others until the world is filled with these, your blessings.  Amen.

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