Thursday, September 5, 2013

Isaiah 55:12 “For you shall go out in joy and be led back in peace; the mountains and the hills before you shall burst into song, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”

I have a few favorite coffee mugs that I like to use.  When I open my cupboard in the morning the messages on the mugs wait for me.  Faith... children... Jesus; which cup today?  I chose the one with fireworks on it with a message to celebrate Jesus.  This verse in Isaiah encourages us to continue the celebration.  Regardless of what is going on in our lives and our world one thing is constant and unchanging; God loves us and Jesus is our redeemer.  This is cause for celebration and so I search for joy in my heart this morning.  I ponder blessings and joyful things to bring my heart to a place of true and deep joy in the Lord.  Let us lay down our burdens at the door and kick off our shoes.  Come out into the fresh air and dance with me in joy for the love of the Lord.  Listen for the songs of the mountains and hills for they burst into song.  Look at the trees and join them in clapping hands to praise our Lord.  As we do this, we will be filled with his holy peace; what a blessing!

Thank you for your beautiful words this morning.  Thank you for celebrations and the reminder to step out in your joy.  We have much to be joyful for, help us see it anew.  Release us from burdens so we can dance in joy and be filled with your holy peace this day. Let me join the songs of the mountains and clap my hands with the trees in praise to you.  Amen.

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