Friday, September 6, 2013

Hebrews 7:24-25 “but he holds his priesthood permanently, because he continues forever.  Consequently he is able for all time to save those who approach God through him, since he always lives to make intercession for them.”

This passage in Hebrews brings peace and comfort to my soul this morning.  I have known for many years that Jesus is my intercessor to God but hearing again this morning helped me relax in the arms of Love instead of feeling the need to grovel.  I do not need to bring my own sacrifice to the table for my sins, Jesus has done that already.  So I come in joy and peace, I come in praise and thanksgiving and I bring whatever I can offer as a thank offering for the gift of salvation and the eternal grace He offers to everyone.  As our church prepares to welcome a new pastor I hope we remember she comes to the Lord just as the rest of us do; she comes as a sinner redeemed through the sacrifices of the eternal High Priest Jesus.  Some people are called to serve as priests or pastors but they can only serve for a blink of an eye because they are human.  Jesus priesthood lasts forever and the blessing for today is that because he lives forever, he always stands in the gap for us; he will always be the gateway to grace and forgiveness.  Join me in basking in the grace of our Lord!

Thank you for your eternal grace and love.  Thank you for scripture to remind us that we cannot achieve perfection; thank you for sending your eternal High Priest, Jesus the Christ who continues to bridge the gap forever. Amen.

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