Saturday, December 28, 2013

Psalm 35:3 “Draw the spear and javelin against my pursuers; say to my soul, ‘I am your salvation.’”

My little boy still believes in monsters.  Occasionally I need to look under the bed and in the closets, check every nook and cranny to insure that there are no monsters in his room before bedtime.  I have told both of my young children that monsters are not allowed in our house so they needn't worry about it.  Recently I heard an older child tell mine that monsters aren't real and I will allow them to believe that but we know differently as we grow up don’t we?  Monsters may not have green glowing eyes and purple horns but they might as well.  Grown up monsters are real.  They have names like fear, anxiety and depression.  There are monsters named addiction, distraction and diversion.  The list is long but they are real.  When David writes this Psalm to the Lord, he is speaking of mortal enemies; people are pursuing his life.  I am not king of Israel or President of this country and I am glad I do not have those enemies pursuing me.  When the enemies that I have search for me and pursue me this verse speaks to my heart.  The Lord will fight for me.  He takes aim with his weapons and he will be my salvation in all battles.  Call on the Lord to lay waste to your enemies.  Then we will truly rejoice in the Lord and his salvation forever!

Here we are at the end of another calendar year.  I praise you for the enemies that have fallen due to your hand.  Help us see that people are not our enemies but the true battle is with our spirits.  Protect our spirits Lord; help us seek you and your salvation today and tomorrow.  Amen.

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