Sunday, December 22, 2013

John 14:27 “Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.  I do not give to you as the world gives.  Do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid.”

These words of Jesus before his death echo the words of angels at his birth.  Do not be afraid, peace on earth... Last night my husband and I were talking about the latest shooting victim who died yesterday.  My husband’s statement was that the bad guys won again.  It sure seems that way, doesn't it?  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow writes “and in despair I bow my head, there is no peace on earth I said...”  The world is filled with bad things and wrong minded people impacting our lives regularly, yet I still hear the words of the angels and the words of Jesus saying do not be afraid and peace.  God continues to bring the peace of heaven to us even in the midst of strife.  His peace, given to us by the Prince of Peace, will prevail.  So I continue to seek his kingdom of peace.  Take time today to sit in peace.  Allow the peace to flow over you and into you and fill you up.  Let it replace all the fear or worries or tension or sadness, whatever you hold in your heart instead.  I leave you with this: May the Peace of Christ be with you.

Lord God,
Turmoil rocks our world and we feel worn and battered.  Sometimes we are afraid.  I ask, in your mercy, that your peace, peace beyond our understanding would fill our souls, calming the turmoil and calming us.  Help us be agents of peace through your Spirit, I pray through Jesus.  Amen.

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