Thursday, May 15, 2014

Studying is a lot of work.  This week there are many kids wrapping up their studies in college and coming home for the summer.  I have not heard one wishing they could just keep on going.
Each morning I get up and spend time in prayer and meditation on the word of God.  Each morning I write my pondering thoughts and share them with those who will read them but do I study?
My dictionary defines study as “the pursuit of knowledge, as by reading, observation, or research.”  When I seek to gain knowledge I need to learn what the passage means.  I need to understand it, not only in message but in context.  Then I can turn it around and apply it to my life more deeply.  Then I am able to share my knowledge with others with more confidence.
Ezra studied the law of the Lord, he did it and he taught it to others.  I will continue to study the law of Love, do it and share it, God willing.


You laid this quest on my heart years ago and it has never wavered.  Guide each of us in your ways so that we may each serve and honor you in the path you have chosen for us.  Whatever we do, I pray that we glorify you and your kingdom in it today.  Thank you for your Word and your Spirit to guide us.  Amen.

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