Psalm 34:5 “Look to him, and be radiant; so your faces shall never be ashamed.”
I love the picture this verse draws in my mind. I see our faces lifted up to the rising sun, glowing with joy and warmth. There is no shadow of sorrow or grief on anyone’s face and there is not a cloud of despair to be seen. Someday this will be our reality. The good news is we can have experiences like this even now, today. As I take the time to let go of all my prayers of concern and petition, let go of all my plans for the day and thoughts that crowd my mind, it is then that I can truly look to Him. When I have released all those things my vision becomes clear and I can see Him without anything getting in the way. At those moments, I am certain that I am radiant because I am simply filled with His love and light and there is no greater joy to experience. When we acknowledge and feast in the presence of the Lord, we glow; we radiate His love. Take a few moments today to look to (not at) the sun and ponder the bright light and warmth it provides to us each day and then remember that it is nothing compared to the light and warmth God provides. Hold that feeling in your heart and radiate it through your day to all those around you.
Thank you for your presence, thank you for being there when we finally look to you. Empty us of darkness and despair, sickness and fear and fill us with your light and love until we are truly radiant. Lift us into your light and love so that we are beacons of You in this world of shadows. Amen.
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