Mark 6:42 “And
all ate and were filled.”
How many
times have I read and heard the story of Jesus feeding the five thousand? I cannot count them. I know this story from childhood so when I
was led to read it again this morning I wondered what the purpose was. What would God bring to my heart from this
story today? I woke up this morning with
the thought “I am sufficient for you” running through my head and I know there
are verses in the bible that talk about that.
This verse leapt off the page when I read it because it says the same
thing to me. Have you ever eaten until
you were so full you hurt? Sometimes we
use food to fill the emptiness that is not hunger for nutrition. Have you ever been at a meal where the
conversation and company is such a blessing that you hardly ate and yet you
were satisfied? I picture that scenario
in this story. We need food for fuel and
to sustain our energy and bodily health.
We need God to sustain our spirits and our souls. When our souls are filled our needs are so
much less in any other part of our lives.
Join me in seeking to be filled with the presence of God and only eating
enough to sustain our energy and bodily needs.
Allow God and His word to be food for your soul.
Help me
place food in proper context today. You
are my true sustenance, food is simply fuel.
Help me enjoy the food you have provided and help me enjoy the fullness
that your Spirit provides to my soul.
Thank you for your word today.
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