Tuesday, April 23, 2013

1 Peter 3:14-15 “But even if you do suffer for doing what is right, you are blessed.  Do not fear what they fear, and do not be intimidated, but in your hearts sanctify Christ as Lord...”

I spend a fair amount of time lamenting over the state of our world.  On the surface it would seem I worry or fear for the world and maybe to some degree I do.  I see the suffering and the brokenness everywhere.  I know most of that is needless but we are blind to the Divine love that waits to fill the world and bring everlasting healing.  In this verse Peter reminds that that we may not be free from suffering during our lives here but even in our suffering we are blessed.  I know the suffering this world is enduring is temporary just as any suffering I may go through.  God has a plan and He has sent His Spirit to live in us and encourage us.  Regardless of the sufferings we endure, we know in our hearts that Christ is Lord and He is the ruler of our hearts and our world.  In this we can hold on to the blessings we have been given and release any fear we may harbor.  In all things we can praise His holy name as ruler of all!

Forgive my short sighted vision; it seems to come back again and again.  I hold your hand and your hope in my heart as I go forth into this day filled with your love and your blessings.  Thank you for all you give us and thank you for the reminder that we are simply called to sanctify you, the Lord and the Christ.  Strengthen our hope in you today.  Amen.

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