Monday, September 1, 2014

What do the hills really represent in this passage?
I always like looking to the “hills” from my home.  To me the mountains in the distance are a reminder of God’s strength and a place of peace and renewal.
When I think about climbing those mountains though I see the question rising, who will help me?  Climbing mountains can be arduous and challenging.  It can be dangerous, life-risking work.  The question becomes more insistent then; from where will my help come?
If the hills represent challenges or trials to overcome, it is comforting to know there is help.  Not just help from a knowing and kind person either.  My help comes from the Lord!  Whatever hill, whatever challenge I have to climb He can overcome it – he created it!  He knows it inside and out, every detail of its being.
I can think of no better guide than the Lord.  Whatever I face, whatever I go through, he is my help.  Thanks be to God!


Thank you for these verses of promise and comfort.  Thank you for the beauty of this world.  As I climb mountains, go through valleys, or sit on plateaus with you, help me see the beauty in the moments of peace and in the times of struggle.  I thank you for your promise to be with me, to help me, and to never let go.  I am ready, Lord.  Amen.

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