Friday, September 5, 2014

I do not run.
I remember years ago when I was a kid, my older sister was on the track team.  I went out with her a few times to jog or run and did not enjoy it one tiny bit.
I am training for a 5k run/walk.  I have had several nudges over the last couple of years to try jogging and have successfully pushed them away.  When this 5k came up there was another big nudge.  The person organizing it posted a training schedule if we wanted to jog or run.  My younger sister signed up to do the 5k as well and when I asked if she had any desire to jog any of it, she said she wanted to jog the whole thing.  Okay.
Yesterday I did day two of my training to jog a 5k.  I am taking this on as spiritual work.  It takes discipline and training to do a run.  It takes the proper equipment and tools to do it well.  This is no different than my spiritual life.  That takes discipline, training, and proper tools as well.
I pray I will keep my eyes on him, and true life, and health as I continue this training and discipline.  I do not want to focus on what I see in the mirror but what I feel in my heart.  I do not want accolades; I want to draw closer to God.


You know my heart.  Help me keep focused on you and my strength in you.  Keep my goal true; healthier body, mind, and spirit.  Through you and in you, I receive true life.  Amen.

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