Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Isaiah 60:3 “Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”

I love this time of year.  I love the lighted trees and the music and the spirit of love that spreads, truly, throughout nations.  Gifts will be given to loved ones in just a couple of weeks, all in the spirit of love and giving.  Santa Claus, an icon in so many parts of the world, will visit homes everywhere leaving presents for girls and boys, all in the spirit of giving and love.  Presents are being flown to the far reaches of the world to bring love and joy to children everywhere.  Long ago, a star shone and Magi, or kings, men of importance and knowledge came from another part of the world.  They came to the light, seeing the brightness shining in the sky and knowing this was something worth seeing.  They brought gifts and so as we busily shop and wrap, let us also bring something to honor this gift of heaven.  We were created in His light and through our journey in this life we are called to follow His light.  Whether our path is easy cruising on a smooth paved road, stumbling along in a barren desert or in a forest so thick with trees we struggle to even see the sky, we can come to his light.  Look deep within your soul; it is our souls that will find the true light.  He sent Jesus to be among us so that His redeeming light could shine for the entire world to see.  Trust and know that he brings the brightness of his dawn for all nations; he brings it for you and me.

Sometimes your light seems to be so far away and then I remember to search with my heart and not my eyes.  Help me set aside differences and division and open my arms to embrace in love and light.  Use me to share your light with others so that all nations, all people will come.  Amen.

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