Tuesday, October 14, 2014

There are a few kids’ songs about the wise man who built his house on the rock and the foolish man who built his house on the sand.  This morning I had one of those songs running through my head when I woke up.
Floods are so damaging; they destroy many homes each year.  Water seeps into every tiny space; even places we cannot see or never knew about.  We only discover that damage when the smell of mold penetrates the air around us.
Sin is like that too.  If we stand on a shifting foundation in our faith, the sin seeps through our hearts and souls like water in sand.  There is no stability and we are destroyed as easily as a sand castle in a big wave.
We need the strong foundation of Jesus.  We need deep rooted faith to hold us firm during the storms and floods of life.  Dig deep in your faith.  Stand firm on the Rock of our salvation.  He will uphold us; always and in all ways.


Storms are inevitable but rarely enjoyable.  As we experience them, let us feel your protection against the railing elements.  Open our ears and hearts to hear and act upon your words so our faith is built on solid rock.  You are the Rock and our salvation; I praise you and thank you this morning.  Amen.

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