Friday, July 5, 2013

Mark 10:22 “When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.”

Mark 10:22 “When he heard this, he was shocked and went away grieving, for he had many possessions.”

If there is anything we Americans know about it is stuff.  Most of us live in a home filled with possessions.  We have furniture, clothes, shoes, a plethora of kitchen gadgets, cell phones, computer, internet, television.  We can fully grasp this mans’ predicament.  This rich man came to Jesus asking what he could do to inherit eternal life.  He followed the laws written on the stone tablets of Moses but he knew there was more needed.  Jesus told his to give away all of his earthy possessions, sell them and donate the money from that, then follow him.  Just like this man, we cling to our possessions.  The truth of the matter is this:  what is most important to you?  Are you willing to give up everything for the Lord?  The less we have the easier it is to give it up.  I am not saying we have to actually do this, but we need to be willing to do this.  That is the only way we know, without doubt, that we have our priorities in order.  God comes first, then the needs of others.  This is the kingdom of heaven, this is eternal life.

I am thankful for the abundance you have showered on me and my family.  Guide my heart in truth so I do not cling to my possessions but that I cling to you.  Open my eyes to see how I can help others and open my hands so that the resources you give me can be willingly shared.  Use me for the purposes of your kingdom.  Amen.

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