Galatians 5:25-26 “If we live by the Spirit, let us also be guided by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, competing against one another, envying one another.”
This passage in Galatians is all about living in the Spirit of the Lord. The fruits of the Spirit are listed just before these verses and I am a frequent visitor to those verses. Paul’s words here seem so apparent they are unnecessary but he knows our human nature. It is pretty easy to sit in the pews at church on Sunday singing songs and praying prayers. It is not as easy to take that Spirit from the sanctuary of church into our daily lives and keep it close and alive in us. The moment I realize I have allowed the Spirit to guide me I feel pride sneaking in testing me, tempting me to take credit for that. If I look at others living in the Spirit, the temptation is there to wish for what they have or to discount it as piousness on their part. It is a struggle, for sure. The fruit of the Spirit listed in this passage is a measuring tool I use to know if I need to step out of the way of the Spirit or if I am allowing Him to move in me. These verses are another tool I can use to keep my “self” at bay. I listen to the voice of the Spirit, it does not sound like mine...
I come to you asking forgiveness and for guidance. It doesn't take a thought or a moment for me to lose patience, be harsh or selfish. Squelch those temptations in me and fill me with your Spirit once more so I can live in you and be guided in your truth. Let me lift you up today, not me. Amen.
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