Saturday, May 11, 2013

Leviticus 23:3 “Six days shall work be done; but the seventh day is a sabbath of complete rest, a holy convocation; you shall do no work; it is a sabbath to the Lord throughout your settlement.”

I have been looking at my calendar and shaking my head.  Every day has numerous things written on it to remind me of appointments and commitments so I don’t forget something.  The other day I went to pick up my son from preschool.  When I got there all the parents were in the room, visiting and eating treats with their kids.  I must have had a look of horror my face and I know I was near tears thinking I forgot something on my calendar.  His teacher came to my rescue quickly assuring me that this had been only on the note handed to me that very morning, the note I didn't read.  I had too many things to do and set it aside for a later time.  We are all so busy all the time that the idea of a Sabbath day seems absurd if not a waste.  I used to think I didn't have time for an hour with the Lord but now that I do it regularly I cannot imagine not having the hour each morning to spend with the Lord.  I know a day with the Lord would be even better... now to put that on my calendar...

Thank you for the rest you graciously give us despite our lack of time with you.  When we have a day of rest, call us into your arms of love; infuse us with your presence.  Entice us to make this a habit so that we follow you more closely and receive even more blessings from being with you.  Amen.

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