Jeremiah 3:15 “I will give you shepherds after my own heart, who will feed you with knowledge and understanding.”
This passage in Jeremiah is another story of God seeking the hearts and repentance of his people. They cheat, they lie and they turn their backs on Him. He is angry, but He still calls to them, still wants them to come back and be in relationship with Him again. Nothing has changed in thousands of years. We still cheat, lie and turn our backs on Him. When I came to this verse in my reading, it nearly jumped off of the page at me. What an incredible promise and I am eternally grateful that He has delivered and continues to deliver shepherds after His own heart to guide us. He sent Jesus, the Christ and the Holy Spirit who still resides with and in us. We have His word and His called servants that guide us as well. The Spirit and the word will help us discern whether the shepherds are after His own heart, if we listen for guidance. I take courage through this passage and this verse. In this time of false prophets and fallen shepherds I know God still provides true shepherds and people after His own heart to feed us with knowledge and understanding. I praise and thank Him for this!
Your promise elates me today! You are faithful to us beyond the walls of time. Thank you for giving us a continual source of food through your word and your Spirit. Thank you for shepherds to feed us with knowledge and understanding. Help us grow stronger in you each day. Amen.
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