Monday, February 25, 2013

Mark 6:31-32 “He said to them, ‘Come away to a deserted place all by yourselves and rest a while.’ For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.”

Boy, how I needed to read this passage.  I have written many times about how much I appreciate my quiet time in the morning.  Spending time alone with the Lord is invaluable to me.  This morning my 3 year old walked into my room just moments before my alarm went off and has been awake ever since.  When he came in, I gently guided him back to bed and then a few minutes later he startled me while I was praying.  I put him back again and turned on his music to give him something to listen to and hopefully lull him back to sleep; it was only 5:20!  Now 30 minutes later I sit at the computer and hear him playing in his room.  My husband is up early because we have a lot of snow on the ground so getting to work will take longer.  From this point on, there will be no quiet or rest.  With the sermon on Sunday encouraging me to pursue spiritual disciplines and this scripture this morning, I am encouraged to continue pressing on.  Will you choose one to pursue?  Will it be meditation, prayer or fasting?  Do you feel called to study, worship or celebrate?  I long for a bit of solitude... maybe tomorrow.

Thank you for the blessings of family and children.  Thank you for the moisture in the snow we received.  Thank you for the much needed rest.  Help me see the love and joy in this day and in all days.  Amen.

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