Tuesday, February 26, 2013

John 6:33 “For the bread of God is that which comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”

Life giving food... I need more of that.  Just yesterday, I read another article in a magazine about how fast food clogs up parts of our brains and bodies creating blockages that cause long term damage.  The more of that food we eat, the more our bodies cannot manage and we become diseased over time.  I struggle to eat healthy food.  I try to buy vegetables and fruit, I research and shop for the best grains and the least processed foods.  There is so much information out there I do not know what is really true sometimes.  The bread that feeds our souls is just like this.  There is junk food, fast food and healthy food for our souls.  It is tempting and easy to take in the fast food and the junk food and sometimes it is hard to decipher what is really healthy.  This verse brings clarity to the mystery.  The bread of God gives life.  Any other bread we take in might taste good but over time it brings disease to our souls.  His Spirit will guide us if we will listen so that we can be sure to partake of life giving bread and leave the other options alone.  Let us pray!

I cannot stop thanking and praising you for You are awesome.  Thank you for life, thank you for life giving food.  Through your Son and your Spirit, you continue to offer life, health and well-being.  Help us pass up the fast food and come straight to you for life giving bread.  It is only in you that we will find it and find true life.  Amen.

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