John 2:5-6 “His mother said to the
servants, ‘Do whatever he tells you.’
Now standing there were six stone water jars for the Jewish rites of
purification, each holding twenty or thirty gallons.”
These verses are part of the story in
which Jesus turns water to wine at a wedding.
The thing that struck me first when I read this passage was this
statement of Mary’s. How easy is that
instruction? All we have to do is follow
directions from Him and he will take care of the rest. I know I am guilty of making things harder
than they need to be. Some things seem
so simple and it just can’t be that easy in my mind. Then there are the purification jars ... I
never realized that the jars used to hold the wine were for purification in the
Jewish tradition. Jesus takes those jars
and uses them to bring communion and celebration to the wedding. He takes the old and turns it into something
new and better. Is it ironic that he
uses the water in purification jars and turns it to wine in purification
jars? Then just a few years later he
uses wine to symbolize his blood being given for the purification of our
sins? He takes the mundane and makes it
holy. He asks us to do mundane things at
times but he uses those tasks to do holy things. Draw some water and fill up the water
jugs. Allow Him to use those simple
things to his glory.
You ask us to love. You ask us to listen and follow. These things seem so easy but we still
struggle to do as you ask. Help us
realize the mundane things we are led to do are simply a means to an end. You know the plan, help us follow your
guidance and trust in you. Help us to
love, listen and follow. Amen.
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