Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Daniel 6:13 “Then they responded to the king, ‘Daniel, one of the exiles from Judah, pays no attention to you O king, or to the interdict you have signed, but he is saying his prayers three times a day.’”

Honestly, I cannot imagine what it would be like to live in a place where I could not worship in comfort.  There is no law here forbidding us to pray or worship our God and I have not suffered persecution, ever.  I know there are places even today that worship of God is forbidden.  Prayers and meetings must be done in secret and at the risk of lives.  Can you imagine it?  Daniel is an upright citizen, a truly righteous man and has been blessed because of his faithfulness and obedience.  He is not a rabble rouser but serves his God and his king.  His co-workers just couldn’t stand that he was succeeding so they found a way to make Daniel suffer.  Daniel was first and foremost faithful to God and all through his story that never changes.  The book tells us Daniel got down on his knees three times a day to pray to his God and praise him.  If we take the time to make prayer and praise intentional like that we would be blessed.  Since I have set aside each morning to pray, study and listen, I have been blessed and changed for the better.  Join me in this challenge: set time aside three times each day to sit in the presence of God, praying and praising his holy name, giving thanks for the gift of freedom we have to worship our God.

Thank you for the gift of worship without persecution.  Help me remember and lift up those who still must risk their lives to worship you.  Strengthen me to be faithful regardless of circumstance, trusting in you at all times in all things.  Amen.

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