Saturday, September 1, 2012

Hebrews 2:1 “Therefore we must pay attention to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away from it.”
This passage in Hebrews is a reminder of who Jesus of Nazareth truly is.  It is a reminder of what scripture of old said about the Savior and the testimony that declares he is the Messiah, the Savior of the world.  There are many distractions that pull us away from this message even as there were back in the time this book was written.  As I sat in my quiet time and then walked in the light of dawn, I allowed my mind to wander in this verse.  Not only do we need to pay attention to what we have heard about Jesus.  We need to pay attention to what Jesus is telling us today.  I am first to admit, there is much chaos going on in my mind when I sit down for quiet reflection with the Lord.  Some days it takes a lot of refocus to keep my whole being centered on being still in the presence of the Lord.  In those moments of true stillness, I am blessed to receive guidance from the Holy Spirit.  It is this “voice” I must pay attention to.  As I continue on this journey of devotion, I trust the stillness will become less of a struggle, and I will be able to hear the guidance of the Spirit more easily.  Listen for the voice, He speaks to each of us, we only need to pay attention.
Through the chaos and noise of our days, open our ears and hearts to hear your voice.  Help us to pay attention to what we have heard and what we hear from you and then guide our steps so we do not drift away from you.   Amen. 

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