Monday, September 17, 2012

Ephesian 2:15 “He has abolished the law with its commandments and ordinances, that he might create in himself one new humanity in place of the two, thus making peace”

Yesterday my family got together to celebrate birthdays.  Whenever our family gets together I am very aware of how blessed we are to be so close-knit.  Each of us is different, we have different thoughts and beliefs about things but none of that matters.  What matters to us is that we are family.  We set aside our differences and come together with love and joy for each other.  This is how I envision peace.  Jesus came to bring reconciliation.  He came to break down the walls that humans had built up over centuries of law making and judgments.  We still have this struggle today.  Rather than seeing each other as family we see the differences as insurmountable.  Rather than seeking to find beauty in each other we seek to find the flaws.  This verse from Paul reminds us that we are one humanity, all created by one God.  The exclusive religions are not what Jesus came to build up.  He came that we might have peace.  Let’s remember that we are all brothers and sisters and maybe we can come together, setting our differences aside, and embracing each other in love and joy.  Let there be peace on earth...

We cannot attain peace without you.  Help us set down our sticks and stones.  Help us stop the name calling and instead, embrace each other with your arms of love.  In spite of the wars that rage in nations and in hearts, help us bring peace.  Let us abide in you, God of peace.  Amen.

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