1 Peter 5:7 “Cast all your anxiety on
him, because he cares for you.”
My little boy has been up sick this
morning for the last couple of hours. I hope he is better in the next few hours
so he can go to preschool tomorrow since he is special helper for the day. I
need to call the home school co-op teachers to let them know we will not be
there. I need to memorize music for my hand bell ensemble. My sister and her husband are separated. I need to write a bio and contact my fellow
prayer warrior. My oldest daughter needs
health care insurance... the list goes on and on. If there is anything I am good at it is
carrying anxiety. The Lord does not want
us to live in fear and anxiety. Those
worries lead to bigger worries and things easily grow out of hand. When we cast our anxiety on him we put our
trust in Him. We allow the grace he
freely offers to flow deep within and relieve the worries and anxiety we have
over big and little things. Just as I
try to soothe the fears of my little boy with his upset tummy, God wants to
soothe us and help us feel better too.
He cares about every part of our day and night. He cares for us in every way. He will bend to touch us whenever we call on
him. His word brings guidance, healing,
love and grace. With all that, what do I
have to be anxious about? Go in peace.
Thank you so much for relief. Thank you for allowing us to come to you
filled with anxiety and worry and for allowing us to drop all those things on
you. When we cast our anxiety on you,
help us leave it at your feet; fill us with your grace and love instead. Then we can turn and walk with you in humble
thanksgiving. All praise and honor are
yours forever and ever. Amen.
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