Sunday, June 7, 2015

The word testimony has come up a few times in the past couple of weeks and here it is again.  I feel another nudge.
I read so many stories in the bible and know many personally of how God uses unlikely, broken, unseemly people to serve him in big and little ways.  When this woman went to the well I am certain she was not expecting to walk away from it changed and I am sure she did not expect to the be vessel to change the lives of many others from that city.
What do I hold back that could bring change and grace to others if I were just willing to testify?   I am no different that many of the people in the bible that God used.  Is it pride or shame that keeps my testimony a secret?  I am quiet by nature but I am not incapable of talking and sharing stories with others.
I know God is leading me but I do not see where quite yet.  I come to the well, like the Samaritan woman, and receive his love and grace; I receive his living water.  Now I seek to be open to his will so that water can flow from me to others, spreading his message of love to all.


You know my heart better than I know it myself.  Forgive my unwillingness to risk.  Help me listen and obey when your Spirit moves me to share, to testify, to give your name all glory and honor through whatever story I am guided to share.  Create in me a willing spirit.  Strengthen my voice until I can shout “Come and see a man who told me everything I have done!  He is the Messiah!”  In your holy name I pray, Amen.

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