Monday, August 20, 2012

Psalm 95:1-2 “O come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the rock of our salvation!  Let us come into his presence with thanksgiving; let us make a joyful noise to him with songs of praise!

Last night I went to a little concert at a neighborhood church.  The music was fabulous, the songs were beautiful and the children that were there could not contain their joy.  The singer, Celia, encouraged the kids to dance.  She said all songs are dancing songs.  The kids sat (or danced) on the stairs going up to the stage and listened.  They flocked to her whenever they could.  There is nothing more beautiful than music that comes from the heart.  The love she shared when she sang was palatable.  She even got the adults out of their chairs to do the bump on one song.  Jesus told his disciples to let the little children come, do not hinder them...  Somewhere in our childhood our uncontainable energy and joy get tampered down.  Responsibility and worries lay burdens on us that make our hearts feel heavy and weighed down.  These verses call us to sing and make a joyful noise.  That is hard to do with heavy burdens on us.  Lay them down and join in the dance.   God loves you.  His light and love fill this world and he will fill you if you invite him to.  When we are filled with his love, we are like children, unable to contain our joy!

Thank you for your love that fills us to overflowing.  Thank you for music and words that allow us to share your love and praise your name.  Fill me with joy to share with my children and all those I see and let my day be filled with joyful noise in praise and thanksgiving for all you are and all you do.  Amen.

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