Thursday, July 30, 2015

God uses music to speak to me because He knows me and He knows I hear messages conveyed through music.
As I sat enjoying the beauty of God’s creation this morning I could not help but feel praises and joy glorifying his name.  There are so many things that bring me to my knees when I look at his beautiful creations.
The peace and sweet innocence on the faces of my children when they are asleep is just one tiny gift of beauty in my world.  The softness of flower petals and the fragrance they bring to my nose send me calm, gentle caresses of love from God directly.
We have been given this day, a new day to be in the presence of God regardless of what our day holds.  He is wherever we are.  Take time today to find the beauty in your world and in yourself as well.
God created all things in wisdom, let us enjoy and rejoice in his wisdom and in his creation. 

The beauty of your creation is awe inspiring.  People try to
create music, poems, and art to convey the beauty they experience but I have found myself lacking any means of communicating the feelings you bring to my heart in your creation.  Thank you for creating me.  My heart sings praises to you this day because, in your wisdom, all things are created.  Thanksgiving and unending praise belong to you.  Amen. 

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