Monday, February 3, 2014

John 9:39-40 “Jesus said, ‘I came into this world for judgment so that those who do not see may see, and those who do see may become blind.’  Some of the Pharisees near him heard this and said to him, ‘Surely we are not blind, are we?’

Why would Jesus want some to become blind?
Jesus healed a man that had been blind from birth and after the Pharisees had questioned the man and rejected his testimony he came back to Jesus to follow him.  Through this process not only were the man’s physical eyes opened, so was his spiritual sight.  Why didn't the Pharisees see?
What do we miss seeing because we choose not to see?  Are there things and people we reject because we do not accept their testimony?  Do we jump to conclusions like the Pharisees seem so good and doing?
Would it be better to be blind than to see and still not believe?  When I ponder the words of Jesus I wonder if I cannot see clearly either.  Does he close the sight of some completely so they do not sin by rejecting him and then open them later to see the truth clearly?  If the sight is bad, is blindness better?
I know this if nothing else: if we believe and follow in faith, he will open our eyes just as he did this man.  If we choose him and his ways, he is faithful to us and brings healing life to us in our faith.

We cannot see clearly sometimes and sometimes we choose to close our eyes.  Forgive us for our skewed vision and cleanse our sins and our sight so we see you clearly today.  Help us be a testimony to your love and your healing in this world.  I pray for those who see and do not believe and I pray for those who do not see that someday all will see clearly and follow you in truth and love.  Then we can live in you and for you forever.  Amen.

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