Matthew 28:6-"He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said. Come, see the place where he lay. Then go quickly and tell his disciples, ‘He has been raised from the dead, and indeed he is going ahead of you to Galilee; there you will see him.’ This is my message for you.”
What a roller coaster of emotions the disciples had been through in the last couple of days.
As they came into Jerusalem for the Passover celebration a parade of
sorts came together honoring and praising Jesus as King. There must have been a sense of elation and
joy, a sense of work finally beginning to pay off. A few short days later, Jesus hung on a
cross. He was being crucified as a
criminal of the worst kind.
The disciple’s hearts and minds must have been reeling. I imagine they were asking themselves what to
do now? Where do they go from here? The last few years of their lives had been
completely devoted to this man of God and now he was gone.
Now they receive a message from the women; they receive a message from an
angel of God – “He is not here; for he has been raised, as he said”.
As I ponder the resurrection story this morning, I cannot begin to
understand what the disciples must have thought or felt when they heard this
new message. I do not what I think and
feel when I read this message today.
Christ the Lord has risen today; Hallelujah!
The chains of sin lay broken at the foot of the cross and there is
nothing that can separate us from the love of God anymore. I join in the songs of nature; I join in the
praises of people around the world as we celebrate the risen Christ and the joy
of our salvation through our risen Lord.
Christ is risen; He is raised indeed!
I praise your holy name and I lift
my heart in celebration for the precious gift of your salvation to me and to
all. I pray that many souls will come to
know you through this celebration of your resurrection and that like the
disciples in the gospel, we will be encouraged to go and tell others this
incredible, amazing story. To your glory
and honor I pray. Amen.